Senior Executives

Our high-quality, Chinese-specific care is guided by our skilled senior executives who inspire and motivate our staff to excel every day.

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Ada Cheng

Chief Executive Officer


Johnny Teong

Chief Financial Officer


Jenny Chua

General Manager - Care Services

How We Care

  • We’re a close and caring family – that listens and forms meaningful relationships with you and your loved ones.

  • We speak your language and honour your culture – as a leading provider of culturally sensitive aged care, it’s in our DNA to want to do this!

  • We work things out together – partnering with you and your family to ensure you get the care and services you choose and that sustain your health and wellbeing.

  • We love to celebrate and have fun – birthdays, Chinese New Year, Moon Festival, staff and client milestones: these magic moments make our vibrant communities special.

  • We challenge ourselves – pursuing training, innovation and collaboration to strengthen what we offer you now and in the future.

  • We’re committed to doing the best for you – through inspired leadership, skilled staff and dedicated volunteers.

Know More About Our Senior Executives