
Notice of a cyber incident affecting Australian Nursing Home Foundation


We want to let you know that we have recently identified a cybersecurity incident that has affected the Australian Nursing Home Foundation (ANHF). ANHF is a New South Wales based aged care provider of culturally appropriate services to elderly people of Chinese and South East Asian background who are residents in our aged care homes and our community housing, who attend our senior wellness centres and who receive in-home services. We are also supported by our dedicated staff, volunteers and donors.


What happened?

The incident involved a cybersecurity incident that has impacted some of our systems and the personal information we store on them. We believe this includes personal information about our care recipients, clients, tenants, their families, our staff, volunteers and donors and may also include personal information about other individuals who we deal with such as our suppliers and contractors. Based on the available evidence, it is likely that some information has been stolen from our systems.


What we are doing

We are treating the matter very seriously. We have engaged our IT and cyber incident specialists to help us investigate and respond to the incident. Our priority at this stage is to understand how it happened, to ensure our systems and information are secure, and to enable us to continue providing important services to our clients. We are also working urgently to establish what information may have been impacted.


We have notified the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and we are also communicating with the Australian Government’s National Office of Cyber Security in relation to the incident. The NSW Police have also been notified and we have communicated with them.
我們已通知澳洲網絡安全中心 (ACSC) 和澳洲資訊專員辦公室 (OAIC),並與澳洲政府的國家網絡安全辦公室及新州警方保持聯繫,確保事件得到適當處理。

We continue to operate and deliver all of our services with the support of our staff and volunteers and we can continue to accept donations.

We will communicate further updates as soon as possible once more information is known about the incident, including details about other support measures we can provide to affected individuals.

What you can do to protect yourself now

Any individuals who may have been affected, including our staff, care recipients, clients, tenants, their families, volunteers and donors, as well as suppliers and contractors who we deal with, should:

  • remain vigilant to any suspicious communications they may receive by phone, email or social media, including potential phishing emails and other scam communications, including from organisations purporting to be the ANHF;
  • not respond to anyone you don’t recognise, or provide them your personal information or pay them money;
  • not click on any links in any communications you are unsure of;
  • always check that a website is legitimate before you provide any details;
  • update your passwords and ensure you use secure, strong and up to date passwords or passphrases to protect access to your accounts and personal information; and
  • use MultiFactor Authentication (MFA) where available.

We encourage you to visit the following websites for cyber security guidance and steps you can take to protect your identity and accounts:

• Australian Cyber Security Centre (澳洲網路安全中心): Home |
• OAIC for tips on protecting your identity ( 提供有關身份保護的指引) : OAIC Guidance
• Scamwatch: (you can also report scams on this website by clicking on the ‘Report a scam’ button on the home page 您亦可以到主頁上的“報告詐騙”報告詐騙事故).

Support from IDCARE

We are partnering with IDCARE, Australia’s national identity and cyber support community service who have expert Case Managers who can work with you to address any concerns you have about risks to your personal information risks and if you think your information may have been misused.
我們正與 IDCARE 合作,這是一家為全國提供身分安全和網絡支援服務的專業機構。他們的專家顧問可協助您處理個人資訊風險,如您擔心資料遭不當使用,IDCARE 可提供支援。

IDCARE’s services are at no cost to you.
IDCARE 對您提供免費的服務。

If you wish to speak with one of their expert Case Managers, please complete an online Get Help form at or call 1800 595160. They are available from 9am-5pm AEST Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. They can provide interpreters if you require.
如需與專家顧問聯繫,請在 完成「尋求幫助」的線上表格,或致電 1800 595 160 (澳洲東部標準時間 9am – 5pm, 週一至週五,公眾假期除外)。如需翻譯服務,他們可提供協助。請聯絡時提供推薦代碼 ANHF24。

When contacting IDCARE please use the following referral code ANHF24.
聯繫 IDCARE 時,請使用以下推薦代碼 ANHF24.

Our apologies

We sincerely apologise for what has happened and any impact it may cause to anyone that is part of our community. We want to assure you that our team is working hard with our expert providers and relevant government agencies to investigate and resolve the incident.

Further support we are providing

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to talk to us about your specific circumstances, please use the following dedicated toll-free incident hotline number we have set up for all incident enquiries: 1800 001 280 ( between 9am – 5pm AEST Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).

如果您有任何問題或疑慮,或希望與我們討論您的具體情況,請致電我們為此次事件設立的免費專線 1800 001 280 (澳洲東部標準時間 9am – 5pm, 週一至週五,公眾假期除外)。

You should also monitor the usual channels we use to communicate with you on, which may include: email, phone, WhatsApp and WeChat.
請持續關注我們日常使用的溝通渠道,包括電子郵件、電話、WhatsApp 和微信。

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time as we work to respond to the incident.


5 November 2024

*Updated 13/11/2024
